Source code for flask_superadmin.base

import re

from functools import wraps

from flask import Blueprint, render_template, url_for, abort

from flask_superadmin import babel

[docs]def expose(url='/', methods=('GET',)): """ Use this decorator to expose views in your view classes. `url` Relative URL for the view `methods` Allowed HTTP methods. By default only GET is allowed. """ def wrap(f): if not hasattr(f, '_urls'): f._urls = [] f._urls.append((url, methods)) return f return wrap
# Base views def _wrap_view(f): @wraps(f) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): h = self._handle_view(f.__name__, *args, **kwargs) if h is not None: return h return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return inner class AdminViewMeta(type): """ View metaclass. Does some precalculations (like getting list of view methods from the class) to avoid calculating them for each view class instance. """ def __init__(cls, classname, bases, fields): type.__init__(cls, classname, bases, fields) # Gather exposed views cls._urls = [] cls._default_view = None for p in dir(cls): attr = getattr(cls, p) if hasattr(attr, '_urls'): # Collect methods for url, methods in attr._urls: cls._urls.append((url, p, methods)) if url == '/': cls._default_view = p # Wrap views setattr(cls, p, _wrap_view(attr))
[docs]class BaseView(object): """ Base administrative view. Derive from this class to implement your administrative interface piece. For example:: class MyView(BaseView): @expose('/') def index(self): return 'Hello World!' """ __metaclass__ = AdminViewMeta def __init__(self, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None, static_folder=None): """ Constructor. `name` Name of this view. If not provided, will be defaulted to the class name. `category` View category. If not provided, will be shown as a top-level menu item. Otherwise, will be in a submenu. `endpoint` Base endpoint name for the view. For example, if there's view method called "index" and endpoint was set to "myadmin", you can use `url_for('myadmin.index')` to get URL to the view method. By default, equals to the class name in lower case. `url` Base URL. If provided, affects how URLs are generated. For example, if url parameter equals to "test", resulting URL will look like "/admin/test/". If not provided, will use endpoint as a base url. However, if URL starts with '/', absolute path is assumed and '/admin/' prefix won't be applied. """ = name self.category = category self.endpoint = endpoint self.url = url self.static_folder = static_folder # Initialized from create_blueprint self.admin = None self.blueprint = None # Default view if self._default_view is None: raise Exception('Attempted to instantiate admin view %s without default view' % self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def create_blueprint(self, admin): """ Create Flask blueprint. """ # Store admin instance self.admin = admin # If endpoint name is not provided, get it from the class name if self.endpoint is None: self.endpoint = self.__class__.__name__.lower() # If url is not provided, generate it from endpoint name if self.url is None: self.url = '%s/%s' % (self.admin.url, self.endpoint) else: if not self.url.startswith('/'): self.url = '%s/%s' % (self.admin.url, self.url) # If name is not povided, use capitalized endpoint name if is None: = self._prettify_name(self.__class__.__name__) # Create blueprint and register rules self.blueprint = Blueprint(self.endpoint, __name__, url_prefix=self.url, template_folder='templates', static_folder=self.static_folder) for url, name, methods in self._urls: self.blueprint.add_url_rule(url, name, getattr(self, name), methods=methods) return self.blueprint
[docs] def render(self, template, **kwargs): """ Render template `template` Template path to render `kwargs` Template arguments """ # Store self as admin_view kwargs['admin_view'] = self # Provide i18n support even if flask-babel is not installed # or enabled. kwargs['_gettext'] = babel.gettext kwargs['_ngettext'] = babel.ngettext return render_template(template, **kwargs)
def _prettify_name(self, name): """ Prettify class name by splitting name by capital characters. So, 'MySuperClass' will look like 'My Super Class' `name` String to prettify """ return re.sub(r'(?<=.)([A-Z])', r' \1', name)
[docs] def is_accessible(self): """ Override this method to add permission checks. Flask-SuperAdmin does not make any assumptions about authentication system used in your application, so it is up for you to implement it. By default, it will allow access for the everyone. """ return True
def _handle_view(self, name, *args, **kwargs): if not self.is_accessible(): return abort(403)
[docs]class AdminIndexView(BaseView): """ Default administrative interface index page when visiting the ``/admin/`` URL. It can be overridden by passing your own view class to the ``Admin`` constructor:: class MyHomeView(AdminIndexView): @expose('/') def index(self): return render_template('adminhome.html') admin = Admin(index_view=MyHomeView) Default values for the index page are following: * If name is not provided, 'Home' will be used. * If endpoint is not provided, will use ``admin`` * Default URL route is ``/admin``. * Automatically associates with static folder. """ def __init__(self, name=None, category=None, endpoint=None, url=None): super(AdminIndexView, self).__init__(name or babel.lazy_gettext('Home'), category, endpoint or 'admin', url or '/admin', 'static') @expose('/') def index(self): return self.render('admin/index.html')
class MenuItem(object): """ Simple menu tree hierarchy. """ def __init__(self, name, view=None): = name self._view = view self._children = [] self._children_urls = set() self._cached_url = None self.url = None if view is not None: self.url = view.url def add_child(self, view): self._children.append(view) self._children_urls.add(view.url) def get_url(self): if self._view is None: return None if self._cached_url: return self._cached_url self._cached_url = url_for('%s.%s' % (self._view.endpoint, self._view._default_view)) return self._cached_url def is_active(self, view): if view == self._view: return True return view.url in self._children_urls def is_accessible(self): if self._view is None: return False return self._view.is_accessible() def is_category(self): return self._view is None def get_children(self): return [c for c in self._children if c.is_accessible()]
[docs]class Admin(object): """ Collection of the views. Also manages menu structure. """ app = None def __init__(self, app=None, name=None, url=None, index_view=None, translations_path=None): """ Constructor. `app` Flask application object `name` Application name. Will be displayed in main menu and as a page title. If not provided, defaulted to "Admin" `index_view` Home page view to use. If not provided, will use `AdminIndexView`. `translations_path` Location of the translation message catalogs. By default will use translations shipped with the Flask-SuperAdmin. """ self.translations_path = translations_path self._views = [] self._menu = [] self._menu_categories = dict() self._models = [] self._model_backends = list() try: from flask_superadmin.model.backends import mongoengine self.add_model_backend(mongoengine.ModelAdmin) except: pass try: from flask_superadmin.model.backends import sqlalchemy self.add_model_backend(sqlalchemy.ModelAdmin) except: pass try: from flask_superadmin.model.backends import django self.add_model_backend(django.ModelAdmin) except: pass if name is None: name = 'Admin' = name if url is None: url = '/admin' self.url = url # Localizations self.locale_selector_func = None # Add predefined index view self.index_view = index_view or AdminIndexView(url=self.url) self.add_view(self.index_view) if app is not None: self.init_app(app) def model_backend(self, model): for backend in self._model_backends: if backend.model_detect(model): return backend raise Exception('There is no backend for this model') def add_model_backend(self, backend): self._model_backends.append(backend)
[docs] def register(self, model, admin_class=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Register model to the collection. `model` Model to add. `admin_class` ModelAdmin class corresponding to model. """ from flask_superadmin.model import ModelAdmin admin_class = admin_class or ModelAdmin backend = self.model_backend(model) new_class = type(admin_class.__name__, (admin_class, backend), {}) model_view = new_class(model, *args, **kwargs) self._models.append((model, model_view)) self.add_view(model_view)
[docs] def add_view(self, view): """ Add view to the collection. `view` View to add. """ # Add to views self._views.append(view) # If app was provided in constructor, register view with Flask app if is not None: self._add_view_to_menu(view)
[docs] def locale_selector(self, f): """ Installs locale selector for current ``Admin`` instance. Example:: def admin_locale_selector(): return request.args.get('lang', 'en') admin = Admin(app) admin.locale_selector(admin_locale_selector) It is also possible to use the ``@admin`` decorator:: admin = Admin(app) @admin.locale_selector def admin_locale_selector(): return request.args.get('lang', 'en') Or by subclassing the ``Admin``:: class MyAdmin(Admin): def locale_selector(self): return request.args.get('lang', 'en') """ if self.locale_selector_func is not None: raise Exception('Can not add locale_selector second time.') self.locale_selector_func = f
def _add_view_to_menu(self, view): """ Add view to the menu tree `view` View to add """ if view.category: category = self._menu_categories.get(view.category) if category is None: category = MenuItem(view.category) self._menu_categories[view.category] = category self._menu.append(category) category.add_child(MenuItem(, view)) else: self._menu.append(MenuItem(, view))
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """ Register all views with Flask application. `app` Flask application instance """ = app app.extensions = getattr(app, 'extensions', {}) app.extensions['admin'] = self for view in self._views: app.register_blueprint(view.create_blueprint(self)) self._add_view_to_menu(view)
[docs] def menu(self): """ Return menu hierarchy. """ return self._menu